Senin, 29 Februari 2016

easy wood projects - Design Blogs I Love Cribcandy Edition

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

Cribcandy isnt so much a blog as it is an I.V. drip of contemporary design tapped directly into your veins. Its the Internet manifestation of ADHD for design. Theres really no commentary either -- its just a presentation of hundreds of new items of furniture, home accessories, architecture, consumer products and weirdness from all over the world. As far as navigation, you can flip through page after page or you can view by category. Unfortunately, theres no search function, as far as I can find. There are also lots of technological gadgetry, but it almost always crosses over into the world of design. There are some great design links at the bottom of the page, too.

The editorial perspective leans toward the techno-sleek, over-the-top, way-high-end that if you ask how much it costs, you probably can’t afford it. Theres nothing very traditional on the site at all. Id say very few of the items are handmade. There’s also some pretty weird stuff on there. They even have a category dedicated to weirdness.

So why am I recommending the site? Well, for every turkey leg phone and giant hairbrush, there’s a cantilever hall table and writing desk. The reason I look at Cribcandy pretty much every day is the sheer volume of interesting things to see there. When I last visited, the site featured 1,838 chairs, 119 benches and 1,193 tables. Its helpful for every designer, once in a while, to open his or her mind to new possibilities.

Cribcandy is not for everyone, but I think its a great site if you want to break out of a mold and look at lots of innovative, if occasionally absurd, design. Think of it as a good palate cleanser.

Check it out at

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easy wood projects - Small Sculpture Workshop

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

We’ve just enjoyed a weekend workshop of small sculpture with Tapawera artist David Carson.

In this workshop, you can create one or two wall hung or free standing small sculptures, working with the natural features of various woods, using the jointer, bandsaw and table saw. 

In particular I enjoyed the freedom to just create using the natural shapes, colours and characteristics of the wood without having to take consideration of function, structural strength or weight loading etc.

Timbers used are often offcuts that would otherwise not have much use in conventional woodworking and some blocks were pulled out of the firewood shed.  Im a bit of a wood hoarder anyway, but now I can see what can be done with such scrappy bits of wood my hoarding habit will only get worse.
Were working on some up-cycle project ideas (using reclaimed wood or offcuts) to run as weekend workshops in the near future so this weekend was a good introduction to it.

This small sculpture workshop is suited equally to first time woodworkers or to those with experience, it’s a lot of fun, more info at

David Carson with a totara block

Splitting the block with a wedge, letting it split the way it wants to


Wood selection

Some of Davids works

Lauren and David making wood selection

Tashs rimu sculpture between coats of oil 

Lauren finishing her totara sculpture

Warwick putting on the finishing touches

Warwicks totara and walnut sculpture

Laurens finished work

Tashs finished work

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easy wood projects - Furniture I Love Libby Schrum Design

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easy wood projects

I found Libby Schrum’s amazing furniture as I was checking out the website for the Grovewood Gallery in Asheville, North Carolina. (I’ve never been there, but I’d love to go.) I was struck by the variety of Libby’s work and how well it is made. Her furniture is full of ideas that are fully expressed and perfectly executed. Check out her Cork Chair. The curves give it great movement, and I love the milk paint finish.

Siblings is a fun take on a standard bench. Again, great idea, great execution.

Libby studied at the Center for Furniture Craftsmanship and earned a Masters at the Rhode Island School of Design. She received the 2010 John D. Mineck Furniture Fellowship, which is given to individuals “who represent a great new talent and demonstrate dedication to the craft of furniture making.” That describes her perfectly.

I appreciate Libby for helping me out on an article I wrote for the Craftsy blog on furniture glue-ups. I’m sure the glue-up for her walnut coffee table, called Theme and Variation, must have been a doozy!  

Check out her website at Photos by Jim Dugan

I’m introducing a new feature here at Furnitude. I’ll do my best at the end of each post to include links or buttons to each furniture maker’s social media sites. I want to make it easy to follow them and share their work. Please help me spread the word about great furniture makers by liking, twittering, instagraming and pinteresting their work.

Libby Schrum:
Furniture Society

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easy wood projects - The One That Got Away

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easy wood projects

I was tracking a table saw on Craigslist -- a pristine Ridgid 3650 -- but the seller wasn’t willing to come down on the price and I decided that it was just too expensive. He said he had only used it a couple of days and from the photos, I believe it. I understand that he wanted to get as much as he could for essentially a new saw, but the price was too close to the price for a new saw. If it’s only $100 or so cheaper than a brand new one, I think I would just rather wait until I can scrape the extra $100 together. The lifetime warranty on the Ridgid saw is probably worth the $100 by itself.

If I see a really cheap 3650, like $200, maybe I would do it. Then again, I don’t want to have a saw that is beat up, rusted and needs a lot of work just to run. I know I would be happier if I could have the saw I want with the features I want and I can handle delaying the satisfaction a bit to get it. To raise a bit more money, I’m actually thinking of selling a few things. You don’t happen to be in the market for a banjo, do you??

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woodworking table - Ridgid R4512 Table Saw Blade Alignment

woodworking table

woodworking table

After all the hullabaloo I’ve made about being able to align the blade with the miter slot on a saw with table-mounted trunions, it’s time to actually do the deed. I got myself a set of feeler gauges to help with measurements. On my first take, I used a method I’ve seen in several places on the internet. It doesn’t require a dial indicator, which I don’t own. A friend is going to let me borrow one, but if I’m serious about this stuff I need to get one myself. Another thing I’m going to borrow is a good-quality saw blade. That will help me rule out errors caused by a so-so blade instead of the saw. I’ll be getting some new saw blades for myself soon.

I started my test by squaring the miter gauge. If that was out of whack, then it would make everything else that much more difficult. That process proved to be kind of annoying, since the fence moves on the Ridgid miter gauge when you tighten it. After lots of trial and error (more error than trial), I think I got it squared pretty well. Next I made sure the saw blade was perpendicular to the saw table. With that accomplished, I found a piece of cherry that had been jointed to a right angle and clamped it to the miter gauge. I turned on the saw and ran it through, making sure to go through the entire blade. With the saw turned off and unplugged, I positioned the miter gauge so that the just-cut-off piece of wood was near the front of the saw blade. I chose a saw tooth and carefully moved it back and forth against the cherry to see how much it rubbed against it. Then I moved the miter gauge so that the wood was near the back of the saw. I turned the saw blade so that the tooth I tested earlier was next to the wood. This is the critical measurement. Ideally, there should be no gap between the wood and the tooth or, if there is a gap, it should be miniscule – as in less than 3/1000th of an inch.

I got out my set of feeler gauges and tried the one for 3/1000th of an inch. It slid in easily, so I tried 4/1000th and 5/1000th. Turns out that the gap was 6/1000 of an inch. While that isn’t a large gap in the real world, it is unacceptably large for woodworking. On the other end of the spectrum, 2/1000th of an inch or so is acceptable. We aren’t making parts for NASA. And even if we were, wood swells and contracts so much that those measurements are fairly meaningless.

In the next couple nights, using a good-quality blade and perhaps a dial indicator, I’ll confirm my measurements and attempt to align the blade if necessary. Stay tuned.

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easy wood projects - More on Frank Klausz

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easy wood projects

As I said earlier, it was amazing to be able to watch Frank Klausz work and hear what he had to say about his life as a woodworker growing up in the Hungarian trade school system and his views on the craft. I saw him in two sessions today, the first was on the age-old Pins first vs. Tails first argument with another woodworking icon, Roy Underhill. Klausz is a pins first guy. Before he came to America, he had never heard of anyone cutting the tails first. Thats the European tradition. He was describing his very simple method for cutting dovetails, which involves no measuring at all, no bevel guages, no try squares. He cuts the pins first and he cuts them where they need to be. Fretting over measurements and symmetry is a waste of time -- time that could be spent doing work. He has a simple way of spacing dovetails on a board. He cuts a half-pin on each side, then roughly judges where to cut the internal full pins just by where they seem to belong.

Someone in the audience asked about what formula he uses to space dovetails, and, somewhat incredulously, Klausz responded that they just go where they need to go. In fact, he emphasized, they shouldnt be spaced perfectly evenly. He said, "Handwork has character." He described the coffin made for Pope John Paul II, saying that the Vatican cabinetmaker had decided on three large dovetails for each corner -- each three inches wide. He said that they looked beautiful, but he would have made them differently. He said it is up to the maker. That is an essential part of the character he was describing. Dovetails, in almost every configuration, are strong and will do their job. Its up to the individual maker to decide how to make them.

In the next session, Klausz demonstrated open dovetails, half-lapped dovetails and mitered (hidden) dovetails (which he said he had made maybe 12 times in his whole life). At the end he was asking for general questions from the crowd. They ran the gamut of technical considerations. I raised my hand and asked, "What gives handmade work its character?"

He seemed to think a moment, and then he said that sloppiness isnt character. Obvious mistakes arent character. Different sizes of dovetails and different tail angles are character. Decisions made by judgment and not measurements are character. He said he taught his son (who has a degree from Harvard and an MBA from Wharton) how to make dovetails and that his son uses a different angle. He said, whatever angle you want, "take your angle and cut it." "Make it to the top of your knowledge."

He went on to describe what he thinks is a fine piece of furniture. It must have the right design. It must be made of the best materials possible. It must have appropriate and well-executed joinery. It must have a proper finish. There must be no visible machine marks. Tool marks inside the piece, however, are character. For the top of a table, there should be no machine marks. Underneath the top, tool marks -- even those from a scrub plane -- are not only acceptable, but add character. If you use plywood for backs and drawer bottoms, you are making a beast -- not a future antique. He often mentioned that he makes furniture for his children and grandchildren and that it must last. He said his favorite piece of furniture to make is the Queen Ann Lowboy.

After all this, someone from the audience actually asked if Klausz thought it was ok to use plywood for the back of a lowboy. His response may seem a little harsh (though the person asked just after Klausz was talking about why not to cut corners, so the guy sort of had it coming).  This is a paraphrase, but he basically said:

"If you use plywood, its junk. Number one pine costs only $30 bucks more than plywood. $30 bucks. It is not worth your time to make it. You couldnt pay me to have it in my house. You may as well not make it. You may as well make a bird house. No, not even a birdhouse because a bird wont roost in it. Think about that. A bluebird wont roost in a house made of plywood. Is a bluebird smarter than you?"

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easy wood projects - For the benefit of history

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

As a non coffee or tea drinker I dont feel very qualified to document the recent happening concerning Johns yellow cup. But some things just need to be recorded for historys sake. A few weeks ago the cup seen below gave its last sip before giving up entirely in the dishwasher. At a very conservative estimate of 2 cups per day, 5 days a week for 40 weeks per year for the last 7 years, the cup has provided John with a little under 3000 cups of coffee. Probably the hardest worked tool in the workshop, the cup now hangs proudly on the wall above Johns bench. Long live the yellow cup!

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woodworking patterns - Reindeer woodworking patterns

woodworking patterns

woodworking patterns

Wood reindeer patterns « free patterns, Wood plans, full-size woodcraft patterns and supplies. full size wood craft patterns, plans and supplies for scroll saw and intarsia. wildlife patterns; wood burning. Reindeer wood patterns « free patterns, Christmas wood craft project – wooden reindeer and hearts mobile. wooden reindeer and hearts mobile. this mobile looks great hanging in the window or glass door. Reindeer & sleighs - large white reindeer wood patterns, Large white reindeer wood patterns make this incredibly popular pair of life-size plywood reindeer to display in your yard this christmas. theyre simple to make from.

Scroll Saw Patterns Christmas Tree

Scroll Saw Patterns Christmas Tree

Reindeer Template

Reindeer Template

Scroll Saw Patterns Free

Scroll Saw Patterns Free

Scroll Saw Christmas Ornaments Free Patterns

Scroll Saw Christmas Ornaments Free Patterns

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Holiday reindeer pattern - rockler woodworking tools, Create these elegant reindeer figures in minutes with the ready to trace patterns. they stand approximately 3 feet high x 4 feet long.. Wood plans, full-size woodcraft patterns and supplies, Large white reindeer wood patterns: make this incredibly popular pair of life-size plywood reindeer to display in your yard this christmas. theyre simple. - large santa, sleigh & reindeer pattern - wood, This collection of 3-d projects includes santa, sleigh and reindeer patterns. - finished size almost 12 feet long! - pattern only for a craft you make - the total. Scroll saw woodworking & crafts - reindeer ornaments, - reindeer ornaments lora irish is an artist who runs an internet carving studio with her husband at Woodworking patterns | ebay, Find great deals on ebay for woodworking patterns in woodworking books and patterns. shop with confidence.. Reindeer patterns - for clip art, christmas crafts, Reindeer patterns to use for clip art, christmas crafts, ornaments, anything you can think of. line drawings of reindeer and reindeer heads..

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woodworking patterns - Unique woodworking patterns

woodworking patterns

woodworking patterns

Wood plans, full-size woodcraft patterns and supplies, Why choose winfield collection woodcraft plans and patterns? you can always count on winfield for lots of fun, new and original wood projects. our woodworking plans. Handmade crafts unique country crafts gifts homemade wood, Handmade crafts unique gifts unique country gifts, and unique crafts, unique wood crafts, shop our site for a variety of unique handmade crafts.birds bees bugs if you. J & j crafts - primitive patterns, woodcraft patterns, J & j wood crafts - free patterns - woodcraft patterns and woodworking patterns. j and j crafts. over 200 primitive wood craft patterns to choose from. free wood.

Interior Wood Walls

Interior Wood Walls

Kitchen Pantry Cabinets

Kitchen Pantry Cabinets

IKEA Closet Organizers

IKEA Closet Organizers

Antique Vanity Table

Antique Vanity Table

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Primitive wood craft patterns | ebay - electronics, cars, Find great deals on ebay for primitive wood craft patterns primitive wood patterns. shop with confidence.. U-bild woodworking plans, woodworking projects and, offers full-size and downloadable diy woodworking plans, projects and patterns for woodworkers and crafters of all skill levels.. Woodworking patterns, wood plans, yardart, full size, all, Woodworking plans, woodworking patterns, outdoor decorations wall art, polka dots with over 40,000 decals collector car mouse pads. patternsrus has been in. Scrollsaw patterns & woodworking plans at, Scroll saw patterns and woodworking plans for woodworkers and scrollers since 1996 -- only the best plans and patterns available.. Free wood craft patterns from country corner crafts, Free patterns! wood working, wood craft plans, decorative painting, bird house, angels, garden. scroll saw patterns. Wood plans, full-size woodcraft patterns and supplies, Dog breed puzzle patterns: ten unique dog puzzle designs-the breed names are cut out of the inside! scroll saw one for each of your dog-loving frie.

Do you find information about woodworking patterns are you looking for? If not, below may help you find more information about the woodworking patterns. Thank you for visiting, have a nice day.

woodworking table - Ridgid R4512 Table Saw Attaching Table to Stand

woodworking table

woodworking table

After I assembled the stand on my Ridgid R4512 table saw, I was ready to attach the top but not until I got past the little problem of moving this 266 pound monster down to my basement. A friend (one who is bigger and stronger than me) helped me (more accurately I helped him) tilt the box onto its side, then wiggle the saw out of the box and the Styrofoam. We put it straight onto a heavy-duty dolly and slid a small piece of plywood between the dolly and the saw to make sure the edges of the miter slots didn’t get dinged up. We secured it with a good rope. I was nervous about wheeling the thing down the rickety stairs of my basement but after checking them out, I was confident that they would hold. We went very slowly, one step at a time, with me holding the dolly handle and my friend holding it steady (and bearing most of the weight) from the bottom. I have to say it was not a big deal at all. The dolly worked like a charm and navigating the stairs wasn’t nearly as difficult as I had feared.

Once down in the basement, it was time to put the table onto the stand. I went with the method that was suggested in the instruction manual, which was to turn the top upside down, attach the stand and then turn the whole business rightside up. We lifted the saw, tilted it so it was upside down and let it rest on two boards on the floor. Another suggestion from the manual, that ensured that the top wouldn’t get scraped up on the concrete. We put the dust chute in place (it is basically a funnel that effectively closes off the bottom of the saw cabinet) and set the stand upside down onto the saw cabinet. I secured it with the four provided bolts. The next task was to lift the saw and turn it upright on the floor. As heavy as it was, lifting it up wasn’t as difficult as I thought it was going to be. I was able to try out the lift mechanism and it works well. Now the saw is now in position waiting for me to attach the wings and the rails, and then start working on aligning the blade and the riving knife, attaching the fence and getting it ready to go.

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bed furniture plans - Know More Childrens bunk beds ireland

bed furniture plans

bed furniture plans

Kathy Ireland

Kathy Ireland

Metal Bed Frames

Metal Bed Frames

Loft Bed with Desk

Loft Bed with Desk

Kids Bunk Bed (MZL-6020#)

Kids Bunk Bed (MZL-6020#)

Templemore B&b: Templemore B&b: Image # 1

Templemore B&b: Templemore B&b: Image # 1

Above is a images example Childrens bunk beds ireland

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Know more about purchase woodworking plans workbench

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Minggu, 28 Februari 2016

easy wood projects - Woodworking in Space

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

In the future, when we colonize Mars, will we bring with us every possible thing we could ever need or will we make stuff we need? 

I should probably read up on the force of gravity on Mars, because gravity is why we make most furniture. We need something to hold us and our stuff off the ground. (OK, a short Google search later, and I found that gravity on Mars is only 38 percent of the gravity on Earth. For comparison’s sake, the Moon’s gravity is 83.3 percent LESS than Earth’s.*) So instead of making furniture to hold us up, we might need to make furniture to hold us down. We might store things on the underside of shelves so they won’t wander off.

"Lignin or lignen is a complex polymer of aromatic alcohols known as monolignols." -- Wikipedia

It’s possible that we will be able to mine Mars for materials (we’re good at figuring out how to make that happen). But there are no trees on Mars. NASA (or, more likely, SpaceX), should create some kind of polymer extrusion machine. You’d feed in raw elements like carbon and oxygen and whatever else makes up lignin, and then extrude it into various shapes. We could carry up hand tools to shape and join this wood-like substance into furniture and shelves and other stuff. We could also re-purpose some of the original stuff we brought with us, forming a Mars maker movement. 

All of this leads to one bold but logical conclusion:  woodworkers should be the first people on Mars.

* Update: An alert reader (Im surprised I have any readers, much less alert ones!) schooled me on the gravity percentages above. Turns out the moons gravity isnt 83% of Earths but 83% LESS than Earths. So I took out my Buzz Aldrin sight gag... Got to get your science right.

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woodworking table - Knock down Drag out Table Saws

woodworking table

woodworking table

In my thinking about table saws, I’ve gone from the extreme of the huge cabinet saw down to thoughts of screwing a circular saw upside down on a piece of plywood and calling it a day. Somewhere in the middle is a guy named Steve Jones who has invented a way of using a Festool circular saw on the Festool Multifunction Table to make a table saw. The amazing thing about this is that the Festool circular saw has a riving knife and has probably the best dust collection system around. It doesn’t look like these kits are in production, but it was a pretty great idea. While it wouldnt have the power for heavy-duty stuff, it would probably suffice for most jobs. It would be a plywood-cutting monster. Either way, I love his thinking and creativity on this.

With just a little more looking around, I saw that Triton has a knock-down table saw system as well. I own a Triton router that is a really great machine, so Im always interested to see what they come up with. I’m not sure I’d want to have one of these, but you have to admit this thing is pretty innovative. It also has lots of attachments for routing, sanding and even planing. It reminds me of the Shop Smith. Very cool ideas. Not sure where theyd put the lathe though...

Speaking of table saws, I might have an exciting announcement next week. Ill keep you posted.

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easy wood projects - Complete Building shed vs buying

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

For you Building shed vs buying

Detailed information about Building shed vs buying you have found it on my blog below is information relating to Building shed vs buying check this article
illustration Building shed vs buying

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On January 6th, 2010, all Rational Support web traffic will be

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Feed Storage Bins

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Its Hard

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Dont Buy The Delonghi TRD0715T Safe Heat Oil-Filled Radiator



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