Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016

easy wood projects - Eureka! Gold Panning Mission

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

Situated in The Nelson Lakes National Park some two hours south of Nelson is a little valley by the name of Howard. And it just so happens that this little valley is rich in a certain mineral with very alluring characteristics.

Last weekend four eager woodworkers turned miners, lead by their very knowledgeable tutor ventured to The Howard Valley to try their hand at a spot of Gold Panning. The morning started with a buzz when first time miner Mia panned a couple sizeable specs, but as the day wore on the ever patient Adam and I were no closer to discovering that elusive nugget. Eventually with the last pan being panned the gold started to flow, first Adam with several potential gold fillings then I struck a nugget which was dubbed Tweetle Beetle.

What has gold panning got to do with Furniture Making you might ask, well as John said, "Gold Panning requires much patience. And as the Chinese Proverb says, "The Woodworker is slow, but the wood is patient".

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