Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

easy wood projects - Orgy of Sanding

easy wood projects

easy wood projects

Orgy of Sanding

 by Jeff Gillham

Everyone knows that fine woodworkers dont sand. Of if they do they should do it quietly, in a corner where no one can see, nervously skuffing a piece of 400 grit (absolute minimum) against the silky fibres of their finely planed work. Certainly sanding shouldnt be done in public-and definitely not in front of a camera. But Graeme Henry was prepared to go where no man (or woman) from the centre had gone before-shamelessly sanding in full view of everyone, even despite the protestations of John Shaw, who was desperately trying to media manage this embarrasing event. Towards the end of the clip you will even see Graeme doing the "Henry Backhand Manoeuvre"-surely a skill that can only be aquired after years of gratuitous sanding!

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